
Trip Planner - Christchurch

Create your perfect trip to Christchurch, New Zealand

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Things to do in Christchurch

Top attractions in Christchurch

  • Historic Center, Christchurch
  • Christchurch Botanic Gardens
  • Hagley Park, Christchurch
  • Canterbury Museum, Christchurch
  • 185 Chairs Earthquake Memorial, Christchurch
  • Margaret Mahy Family Playground, Christchurch
  • Air Force Museum, Christchurch
  • Quake City, Christchurch
  • Willowbank Wildlife Reserve, Christchurch
  • Cardboard Cathedral, Christchurch
  • Riccarton House and Bush, Christchurch
  • Ferrymead Heritage Park, Christchurch

Regions in New Zealand

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